UNITE For Fairness For CUPE Local Organizers Held In Trail, B.C. November 7, 2013


TRAIL-Miriam Pulsifer and Natasha Morley CUPE National staff representatives at the Cupe Trail Area office introduced CUPE’s “Unite For Fairness” initiative to West Kootenay Cupe locals on Thursday, November 7, 2013 in Trail at the Local 480 Hall.

1379535_536398739776532_1415527686_n                                    Local 2254 members at Unite For Fairness initiative

Locals were encouraged to send their Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretaries, Secretary Treasurers, all Shop Stewards and all Unit Chairs to the Local leader training session.

The purpose of the training session was to begin the process of Cupe locals building stronger connections between members and their union. Cupe locals are are being encouraged to connect with members, one at a time, and begin a conversation with them about the value of their union.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                                 Local 2087 executive members Joe Matteucci and Val Rideout

“We want members to know we’re listening. If members have issues in their workplace or in their  community, we want to be there to help.”

As part of the initiative, the Unite For Fairness is to let members know that by being in a union that collective bargaining works; union gains benefit all workers by raising the standard for all workers; unions help people everywhere by creating positive change; and that the ability to make gains by participating in their union is undermined through threats to collective bargaining; the unions right to collect dues; and to unions being able to take political action to protect their employment and public services.

All locals were encouraged to survey their members for communicators, who would then be trained in the early 2014 on how to hold conversations with their fellow members to assist in accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Unite For Fairness initiative.

For more information, go to:


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